Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Chapter 1 - by Lina Grajales

Will kids forget?

I wonder what will happen to Kim, Jung and Jook-Liang. Those kids are familiar with the Year of the Monkey, Chinese Operas in Canton Alley and stories of demons and spirits. However, at an early age they’re already far away from their homeland.

No doubt it was hard for all of them. Stepmother – Jook’s mother – had been taken away three times! First, as her family was killed in war-torn China. Later, she was sold to Father’s family. Finally, she was put in a steamship…to Canada.

Home was left behind. Now in Vancouver, they must move on. Kids are being taught things in the Western way, like sipping the soup. They’re also witnessing how the outside world works at their new home. A new home, that doesn't welcome them. It is the time of the Chinese Exclusion Act, 1923.

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