Saturday, April 11, 2009

Chapter 4 - by Fabio Marchioro

It took me a long time to understand the author’s intentions regarding the book’s structure. In this chapter the narrator changes from Jook-Liang’s voice to Jung-Sum, one of her brothers. The problem is, I had to read the whole chapter, and half of the next to understand what was going on. Choy keeps the same voice throughout the book, but changes “the voice’s name”. In my opinion, it doesn’t work. The idea is interesting, but he didn’t achieve the effect he was aiming for. Out Monkey Man. In Turtle King.

1 comment:

  1. It happened the same to me, Fabio! I had to go back and reread...hold on, is Jook a girl or a boy? I thought it was a girl! But then, I realized it was another voice, Jung's voice, one of the brothers. I agree with you, if it weren't for the Titles of the chapters, you don't realize....
