Thursday, April 2, 2009

Chapter 13 - by Intikhab Amir

‘Resident alien’

Despite spending years in Vancouver’s Chinatown and learning the ‘new way,’ even the younger generation continues to be regarded as ‘resident aliens.’ They were not entitled to get employment in the Canadian military. Kiam, the first brother, wanted to join the military, but his hopes dashed after Father told me that he couldn’t. “You were registered in Victoria as a resident alien. We’ve had this talk before. When the Dominion says we are Canadian, then we will all join up!”

For immigrants, the door to success lies in their economic integration. Without achieving economic prosperity they cannot assimilate. Choy grasps immigrants’ predicament very well.

“Father, stepmother, brothers Kiam and Jung, and even sister Liang, were all working wherever and whenever they could. Our household was constantly short of money.”

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