Monday, April 13, 2009

Chapter 2 - by Fabio Marchioro

Despite some insights into the family past, we are still in the damp, musky, dark wood house, watching Poh-Poh speaking bad English, spitting on the floor and being nasty. I don’t like her. I don’t like her at all. Second chapter is Jook-Liang’s long wait for the Monkey Man. It’s a low whisper. No colors, some smells and few nuances.

This chapter made me wonder: is it really worth spending time reading this book right now? I immigrated to Canada a few months ago. Should I spend more time reading stories on immigrants or books on Canadian lore? So far, I’d rather be reading Canadian History for Dummies, by Will Ferguson.

1 comment:

  1. I like your honest remarks about the novel, but I think we should not loose heart, and should keep exploring the pages to find out its richness - like Franklin did.
