Friday, April 10, 2009

Chapter 5 - by Fabio Marchioro

When the characters talk about the habits in Old China, sometimes they sound like they are talking about mere animals. They are bought, sold and it is important how much a person will spend to fatten a boy. Much like livestock. Talk about cultural shock!

Monkey Man, Fox Lady, Turtle King and Head Fox. What demiurge will make a dramatic entrance on the next page?

During his boxing practices Jung-Sum says, at last: “I belong”. That is cool.

Marchioro's rule number 27 - In a book, if something deserves a capitalized name, it becomes an important character. In this book, it is very hard to keep up with all the “Capitalized Characters” that Choy throws our way. On page 98, paragraph 1, we have no less than 8 different ones: Kiam, First Son, Poh-Poh, First Wife, Old China, Old One, Sekky and Liang. Throw in a keg and you have a party.

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